Indonesia for Humans

Jakarta, Indonesia
Indonesia for Humans is a non-profit-community-based organization for Economy Justice and SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression) rights.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Surat Terbuka kepada Radio Buku atas Pernyataan Diskriminatif

Perihal: Pernyataan diskriminatif dan tidak etis yang telah dilakukan oleh Radio Buku.

Radio Buku,

Pada tanggal 20 April 2013, sekitar jam 21:00, Radio Buku menulis status Twitter: Bagi yang jomblo dan orientasi sex kacau, mari kita rayakan malam minggu ini dengan filsafat #FilsafatKakiLima @ Noorazmy.

Pernyataan “Sexual Orientasi KACAU” adalah sebuah kata diskriminasi terhadap hak Seksual Orientasi, Identitas Gender serta Ekspresi Gender.

Lebih mengejutkan adalah reaksi dari Admin Radio Buku yang menjawab dengan kalimat “Ato kamu merasa terdiskriminasi? Syukur deh :p” *pernyataan lengkap di Twitter terlampir di surat ini

Jawaban tersebut sudah mengarah kepada cyber bullying karena sebagai sebuah Akun Radio Buku yang notaben adalah sebuah gerakan kesadaran masyarakat dengan motto “Mendengarkan Buku, Membuka Cakrawala”, reaksi yang terjadi bukanlah sebuah pencerahan cakrawala tapi sebuah tindakan yang tidak etis dan cyber homophobia bullying.

Saya sebagai seorang pecinta buku dan filsafat sangat memahami dan mendukung motto dari Radio Buku, tapi tidak dengan tindakan diskriminatif dan tidak etis yang dilakukan melalui pernyataan “Orientasi Seksual Kacau” dan jawaban respon dari Radio Buku.


Statement of the ASEAN SOGI Caucus regarding the recent ACSC/APF event in Brunei where certain sectors were prevented to join the civil society event. 

We, theASEAN SOGI Caucus[i] are deeplyoutraged and concerned by the decision of the National Organizing Committee(NOC) of Brunei Darussalam's to restrict discussions and limit civil societyspaces at the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ ASEAN People’s Forum 2013(ASCS/APF) for selective groups of people whose opinions and views are notaligned with the state's views, namely sexual orientation and gender identityand gender expression (SOGIE), sex work, sexual and reproductive health rights.

We aredisappointed that even in spaces that are meant to foster and uphold democracyand human rights principles by and for civil society organizations, specificsectors of society are being discriminated against and are restricted.

People of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity as well as sex workers and advocates of sexual and reproductive rights are banned and given conditions from organizing educational workshops that promote understanding and address the human rights violations that we are subjected to because of our identity and orientation.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Parliamentary petition to repeal 377A: not just any other petition

By Choo Zheng Xi
Published by The Online Citizen on October 12, 2007
In the most formal challenge to Singapore’s gay sex laws yet, Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) Siew Kum Hong will be sponsoring a petition in Parliament calling for the repeal of section 377A of the Penal Code. The petition was initiated by lawyer George Hwang and gay media company owner Dr Stuart Koe.
377A is the section of the Penal Code which prohibits “gross indecency” between men.
The petition calls for the repeal of 377A on the basis that it contravenes section 12 (1) of the Constitution.
Section 12 (1) states: “All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law”.
The petition requests that Parliament ‘extend equal protection to all Singaporeans in respect of their private consensual sexual conduct, regardless of their sexual orientation’.